Friday, August 26, 2011

Restless waiting for 20

This morning I was up at 5:30am.  I sat with my coffee, looking longingly out the window... I want to run.

It was a perfect morning, still dark, but crystal clear skies with temps in the low 60's.  I want to run.

The kiddos and hubby were still fast asleep. I could run forever since hubby has off-work today.  Oh, man... I want to run!  

Knowing that my girls B&D were out there logging miles made it hard to stay put.  I want to join them.  I want to run!

Unfortunately, today is REST DAY.  Tomorrow morning is my last big 20 miler.  I want it to be strong.  I need it to go smooth to give me the confidence going into the taper.  So I made the difficult, but right decision, to stay in my pajamas.

The day's temperatures have warmed up now, so the craving to run has lost momentum.  Now I turn my attention to the work at hand today...
• Plan your route (check!)
• Hydrate
• Cook a healthy pasta dinner... looking at some recipes & then off to the grocery store.
• Relax this evening, read a little for motivation, and then hit the hay early.

One thing is for sure... I'm going to be bouncing down that trail in the morning!  I find it somewhat humorous (or demented?!?) that I'm so excited to run 20 miles.  I'm on the home stretch of marathon training.  It's been a long summer, and for the first time ever, I'm happy and compliant to taper.

Do you like Rest Days?  or do you fight them?
What's your running goals this weekend?  Anyone racing??


  1. I have as much of a love/hate relationship with rest days as I do interval runs. LOL I crave the activity but I know my body will welcome the rest in preparation for the long runs, interval, etc.

    No races this weekend BUT I do have my first double digit run this go round with half marathon training. I am scared to death. I have not ran double digits since my April half marathon! Eek.

  2. I hate rest days...there, I said...My name is Jennifer and I'm a work out a holic!! :)
    Hope your run is great tomorrow!

  3. I know just how you feel, and you are being smart to rest the day before the 20. Have a great run, and I look forward to the recap!

    P.S. Do you get nervous on the morning of a big training run? I do.

  4. Have a great 20 miler. I totally fight rest days, especially when I have a big run looming over head.

  5. Most of the time I love rest days but then are other times where I feel like I should be running or doing some form of workout lol

  6. I also have a love/hate relationship with rest days. Sometimes I love them and my body desperately needs them. Others I just am so anxious waiting to get out and go!

    Good luck on your 20!!!!! :)

  7. I hope your 20 miles went well!

    As for rest... does a day with "only" a 60-minute brisk walk count as a rest day? I can't remember the last day I just sat still. In Kingergarten I was the kid who was always in trouble for being disruptive. Not much has changed as an adult. I've just learned to channel that energy into exercise. ;)

  8. I usually enjoy my rest days. Maybe because the rest of the week is busy and it's nice to get a little extra time with my husband. If it's a day off however then I try to do a light activity like yoga and that makes me feel a lot better.


I appreciate your feedback and comments!