I first started practicing intervals last year and it made a big difference on my race times. The first training cycle that I included speedwork on a weekly basis... I finally got my sub-2 half marathon. The proof is in the PR.
Running speedwork, however, isn't easy. It takes an inner strength to push yourself (or a track buddy by your side). To be honest, I have been a little slack with my speedwork since spring training. Today it was deadly obvious. My heart rate was skyrocketing as I raced the stopwatch. Here's how today went for me...
1.65 mile warmup jog (17:19)
I ran a nice big loop through Parkside Cemetery. The fall colors are so pretty right now and this environment is quite serene and peaceful away from the flow of traffic.
2x400 with a 400 recovery
I crossed the street over to the old track at Shea Stadium. When I kicked in the first 400, I thought, "Oh-dear, I really don't want to do this." The pace felt difficult and I could hardly catch my breathe (especially when I hit the wind). One lap felt like forever. Lap 1: 2:02 I always use a 400 to recover (one lap on a track). During this time, I take a drink, walk, jog or whatever it takes to catch my breathe again. Lap 2: 2:01 My legs are starting to remember what intervals are all about...
4x800 with a 400 recovery
I hate running 800's (2 laps on the track), but they are so impactful on my training results. I try to keep the pace as uncomfortable as the 400 but push it twice as long. I'm always hurting at the end and need at least a 100 to walk it out before I jog again. Intervals: 4:06, 4:04, 4:09, 4:10 I'm okay with these splits. They are slightly slower from this past spring when I was squeaking in under 4:00, but it's to be expected. Room to grow...
2x400 with a 400 recovery
By time I completed the 800's, I was elated to finish up with a couple shorties. I like mixing up the distances of my intervals; it keeps my mind on something other than the throbbing in my chest. As expected, I nailed them faster than in the beginning... 1:57, 1:57. That's a wrap... and I didn't die.
1.15 mile cooldown (12:00)
My favorite part of speedwork is the cooldown. I allow myself to go whatever pace I want...usually slower is better. Today however, despite the tough intervals, I felt good and cruised along without much distress. I crossed the road again to head into the cemetery for another short loop... and who do I run into... my fast friend Anna, who is out doing intervals of her own (4x1600's... ouch!). Perfect timing, we get to run our cooldown together.
Total: 7.8 miles in 1:15
Remember, you don't need a track or stopwatch to do intervals and work on your speed. As a beginner, I felt awkward at the track, like I didn't belong. So I used a secluded road
Do you practice speedwork? How often?
Have you noticed an impact in your race times?
I really love interval training and its true that it makes such a difference in my run time. I especially like doing Fartleks, where I sprint on the straights and jog on the curves.
ReplyDeleteI plan on getting some more speedwork in this fall & winter because I will be taking my workout to the TM & I like to do speedwork on the TM.
ReplyDeleteDid intervals today at the track! 1 mile run warm-up and then did 100m sprints (x5) then alternated high knee, butt kicks or side shuffles for 50m and 50m recovery walk. Felt really good!
ReplyDeleteFor almost a year I did weekly intervals with a group at a track and I just loved it. I improved dramatically during that time, but I definitely burned out (and it cost a lot to work with the coach). Now I am running intervals on my own without a track. I just run something like 8x2 min intervals with a 2 min recovery (that is what I did today). Or I do 3x5 min intervals, or whatever. Once I figured out I could intervals by time and not distance, and without a track, it was like a whole new world of running opened up to me!
ReplyDeleteI KNOW I need to do speed intervals, but just can't bring myself to add them in. :)I'm about to start training for my 1st half marathon (Disney Princess Half in Feb) so I guess I should add these into my training?
That is one of my goals for the next half I train for...that is, to learn how to do speed work. I am not even sure if I know how to sprint. Sounds stupid, eh?
ReplyDeleteThanks for th etips on speedwork. I will have to look into adding that when I finish my program.
ReplyDeleteI did my Cupcake 5k doing intervals. It shaved off 4 minutes from the first time I ever ran a 5k. (My first ever race was a half marathon, so now I'm doing ALL 5k, 10k races for speed!) It does work and I finish better after intervals.
ReplyDeleteI haven't tried speedwork yet. Although I AM looking to improve my times. I am definitely going to give it a try soon.
ReplyDeleteOk really stupid question. Did you use an indoor track or an outdoor track. Im following the training guide for Disney princess half marathon and i know speed work is coming up. Is 400 like once around a track at a high school where the football field is inside?