Thursday, May 2, 2013

Bestowed Review & Giveaway

I like trying new products, but am a bit gun-shy on spending money on products that I'm not sure about... especially when it comes to "health" foods. Let's be honest... they don't always taste good. I've tasted so many "health bars" that are dry and spit-out-able. With that being said, I am loving these monthly subscription packages to sample and discover new products. The latest one I tried is called Bestowed.
Bestowed is the creation of nationally recognized nutritionist and author Heather Bauer and is the answer to all those that have ever stood in the health food section of their local grocery store and said to themselves..."which one of these is really the best??" 

Each month, Heather and her team of health and diet experts carefully curate 5 product samples that have caught their attention. Items like nutrition bars, snacks, breakfast cereals, and supplements are just a few of the categories considered. Bestowed members receive these samples in a box delivered right to their door each month. Modern day match makers... introducing the right people to brands that they will absolutely love.

I receive the cute orange Bestowed box last month with 7 items inside. I have enjoyed trying these new products that I can assure you I wouldn't have picked up on my own. Inside the box, there is a description sheet listing each of the products. Bestowed's notes were very informational, giving ideas on where each product might fit into your day.

In the process of sampling the products, I've fallen for Nature's Bakery Fig Bars. Yummy and sweet like a soft cookie.

Bestowed is a monthly ($19) or annual ($209) subscription service. Shipping is included. Once you join, an orange box of carefully hand-picked health products will arrive on your doorstep each month. You can cancel at anytime. Currently shipping to U.S. addresses only.  Join here.

Want to try Bestowed??
Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below to win a 3-month Bestowed subscription... a $57 value!
Contest ends on May 9, 2013 at 12:00am. Winner will be announced on Friday, May 10. Sorry, U.S. shipping addresses only. Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. That fig bar looks yummy! Would love to try them.

  2. I am the same way... I have an entire pantry with never eaten bars. This sounds like a cool idea!

  3. My new find is Fage total Greek yogurt. I've been adding my own fruit to it.

  4. Quinoa is something I tried for the first time two weeks ago! I am hooked! It is so much better tasting that rice.

  5. I have been getting a few of these boxes now, such as Klutch box and am surprised that the "healthy" foods aren't that healthy??

  6. I have recently discovered the wonderful dried date. Great way to satisfy a sweet tooth without going overboard :)

  7. I haven't found any one bar or product that I really love, so I'm still trying stuff out. I got a box of stuff to try last month and it's fun to try new things without having to buy a whole bunch of one thing!

  8. I love the light Campbell's soups! Yummy and full of veggies!

  9. I recently discovered fresh whole papaya! I have always seen them but never got "creative" enough to buy one. Now I am addicted. Orange yummy sweet goodness. Mega vitamin C among other benefits.

  10. Bulk multi grain "flour" which allows me to make awesome multi-grain bread at home.

  11. I'm pretty new to actually trying to eat better! LOL! Free samples are always awesome

  12. I've recently started using hemp seed....yummy on Greek yogurt!

  13. I am all about nuts lately...doesn't really matter what kinds just nuts...and always apples...everyday!

  14. I just tried roasted chickpeas, and I was pretty impressed!

  15. Picky Bars. Not the greatest flavor, but they just work during long runs.

  16. I love energy bits, perky jerky (win some and snacks from the good bean!

  17. Cocogo. I love it for long runs and its a powder I can add to my water.

  18. Cocogo. I love it for long runs and its a powder I can add to my water.

  19. Hmmm. I used to love fig newtons.

  20. Looks like a fun option! Would love to try it out!

  21. Coconut oil believe it or not! I'm slow to jump on bandwagons, but now I'm I love with coconut oil.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I love to try new things, especially if they are good for me! I just opened my first jar of coconut oil last night!

  24. I love to try new things!

  25. Would love to try this as I am "afraid" to pick out difference varieties of food. This would be a great way to try new things.

  26. Coming back from a run all dehydrated just to grab a too-dry nutrition bar is terrible!

  27. I've had that fig bar! I didn't realize it was going to be a fig newton inside so I was a little disappointed. I recently discovered the dark chocolate coconut Balance bar, which is a new flavor. HELLO Mounds bar!!

  28. I have recently discovered Lara Bars. I know they have been around for awhile but I never tried one until a month ago. I love that they are all natural and I can read all of the ingredients on the label!

  29. Kale smoothies are my recent discovery, although I'm about a year behind the kale fad!

  30. Sounds awesome!
    Marci G.

  31. Recent health food find...hmm...I discovered So Delicious Coconut Milk creamer and it's YUMMY!

  32. Tabbouleh salad! So yummy and so healthy

  33. my friend brought the fig bars to camp they tasted like a healthy yummy fig newton

  34. Mine is Quinoa Pasta. Most pasta's make me sick but this one didn't.

  35. Easy Quinoa? Very Interesting :)

  36. These items all look good, I have just tried Kind Bars and readlly like them and also putting Kale in my shakes!

  37. I've never had coconut butter, sounds intriguing.

  38. My new love is Chia seeds. I use them in smoothies and on salads.

  39. Not so much a "health food" but runner fuel - Green Apple PowerBar Energy Gel! I found them at the RNR Madrid Marathon Expo and they are delicous!

  40. I made a pretty healthy granola bar last week and decided to jump on the flaxseed bandwagon. Come to find out I don't like flaxseed but can't tell my kids that because I am making them eat the bars too. Next time no flaxseed :)

  41. I have made my own granola bars, but in the summer that's a little warm with the oven heating up the house. These products look interesting.

  42. I'm always in such a food rut, but we're working on it... my husband has shown an interest in quinoa of late. Really, my "health food" goes back to making muffins with fruit and flaxseed.

  43. I love your blog and all of your giveaways. You are so motivational!

  44. I love your blog and all of your giveaways. You are so motivational!

  45. Fresh uncooked Veggies have been my thing and bananas with peanut butter on it with rice krispies on the peanut butter! Would love to try the Fig bars.

  46. This is great! I am so nervous about trying mew things, but this would really help me out!

  47. I'm back on a smoothie kick now that it's getting warmer.

  48. This looks great, would love to try it each month! As always, thanks for sharing these great opportunities with us!

  49. I find so often the protein bars and stuff taste first. I'd be leery to get a big box too.

  50. This is awesome. Nothing like a chance to try new things!

  51. I love ThinkThin bars! Brownie is my fave

  52. NatureBox!! Better snacks delivered right to my door!

  53. KIND snack bars are great.. just discovered them recently!

  54. Braggs Liquid Aminos! Never need soy sauce ever again!

  55. I love black bean brownies. There are lots of different recipe versions out there. Mine include oats, black beans, honey and chia seeds, among other healthier ingredients. The kids even love them! I also like to carry dried apricots on longer runs.

  56. spicy chili. yum!!

  57. I recently tried hemp Hearts!! yum. I also love Holy Crap (yes that really is the name) cereal. delish with yogurt

  58. I am new to almond butter and love it

  59. KIND bars are my new favorite snack!!!

  60. I finally tried greek yogurt and I'm addicted! :)

  61. Wow! I would love to win this! I am always looking for healthy snacks that also taste good!

  62. I've recently fallen in love with Oloves marinated olives.

  63. I'm trying to get this healthy eating thing down and its hard. Definatly my week point. :(

  64. One of these days I'll win one of your fabulous giveaways :-)

  65. My favorite is my CLICK! Espresso Protein Powder. Can't start my day without it!

  66. Minus all the ice cream I have consumed this week, I have had a lot of Raw Food, nuts and seeds and stuff.

  67. I'd love to try this!! It's so hard to know what kinds of health foods I'd like and this would be a great sampling.

  68. Awesomesauce! I would love this!

  69. My 'new' health food find is just a plain, all fruit smoothie. I let my kids pick out 3-5 fruits and we blend them up and enjoy our 'ice cream' every day at snack time.

  70. I just tried those Hemp Hearts for the first time actually thanks to a sample at Sprouts. They are pretty tasty in oatmeal.

  71. I've recently discovered Kind bars, SO yummy!! And also chia seeds and coconut oil. Just started using those a month or so ago. :)

  72. Nothing new & exciting here, but I do enjoy cottage cheese. It's a good way for me to get some calcium & protein. Those fig bars look good! I like cookies! :D

  73. Chia seeds are a great addition to my diet!

  74. I recently found FruitChia bars. There are 4 flavors, but I love Strawberry and Cranberry the most. They are great for an afternoon snack.

  75. I recently purchased a Vitamix, so I've been discovering lots of new smoothie combinations for me and my family

  76. I recently found crunchies, who makes great dried frutis and veggies!


I appreciate your feedback and comments!