Tuesday, June 4, 2013

5000 Giveaway

I dangled the idea of a big giveaway last week out on Facebook. No surprise, everyone was interested and excited for free stuff!  I'm nearing 5000 likes on the Run With Jess Facebook page. I normally don't  get too involved in the popularity contest numbers game, but 5K is just too cool of number in a runner's world to ignore.

I've been mulling over what kind of prize seems appropriate for a 5K celebration. There are so many valuables to pick from, but in the end, I've settled on several products that are "can't live without" items in my own running journey. These are items that I believe in, trust and recommend to any runner. So without further ado, here is the GRAND DADDY 5K PRIZE PACK...

• A pair of Pro Compression socks - your size and style (knee-high or low trainers)
• A Bondi Band headband
• Sample collection of GU fueling products: gels and chomps
• Tube of Nuun electrolyte tablets + Nuun sports bottle

Holy cow... HOW do I win??

First, Run with Jess has to hit 5000.
LIKE IT if you don't already... and by golly, SHARE MY PAGE with your friends and followers!!!

Second, you gotta complete a 5K this week.
5 kilometers = 5000 meters = 3.1 miles  
Get it... run a meter for each of my 5000 likes!  Run it, walk it, bike it, elliptical, I don't care how... just GET ACTIVE and DO IT!!  You didn't really think I'd give away a big prize without making you work for it, did you?! The whole purpose of Run With Jess is to encourage and motivate others to run and lead healthy active lives. I won't stop until everyone slaps "runner" on their resume!

Once you've completed your 5K... comment below -OR- post on my FB page, telling me about your 5K. Include a photo if you'd like (I love to see sweaty run photos!).  All comments/posts will get an entry into the prize drawing.  Just that easy. Limit 1 entry per person. Winner will be drawn/announced 48 hours after I hit the big 5000... so you'll have plenty of notice to get running.

This is just a fun contest to say THANK YOU for reading and following Run With Jess!


  1. I broke a 5 mile mark yesterday! 5.023. Barely but I'll take it! Ha! I used to be a runner way back in school. We had a Reunion run with all the old runners from high school. I loved it! The course was just over 3.1 miles. Peer pressure got the best of me and I did it. Twice! So very proud of myself for getting my butt back in gear!

  2. I love doing 5ks. My mom, sister, and I do 5ks all the time around our neighborhood. It is a great way for us to be active and be together.

  3. I biked 7.28 miles this am. On running hiatus with achilles tendonitis

  4. I love 5k's and running! I never thought I would ever say that 4 years ago. Did 5k on Saturday for a glow run at night...very cool experience and actually logged a 5k last night with the daughter and puppy between walking and running. I love that this active thing can be solo, with friends, with pets, or with family :)

  5. done a few 5k's :) ...ok maybe more than a few. doing it for health! getting ready for my 2nd 1/2 next week avg 9miles /day now :) I love your page!

  6. I swam 3 miles this morning. If I'd know about this contest I would have added another .1 to it. Hmmm... I'll go walk .1 right now since I can't run (groin injury still healing).
    Woo hoo!!! I LOVE giveaways! :)
    And no picture from me... 'aint nobody want to see this body in a swimsuit.
    I'm also walking a 5K on Friday night with all the money being donated to the tornado recovery fund in Moore, OK (I live just 20 miles north in OKC).

  7. Did 5k this morning before work!

  8. Ran 4.85 miles yesterday! Awesome giveaway!

  9. Logged 5 miles this am...will this due for contest? If not ...I hope to get a 5k in with SS on Wed in the cemetery!

  10. already logged over 7 miles sunday but will be running 3 tomorrow for natl running day :)

  11. Just finished 5 miles; ran 5K yesterday! Awesome giveaway!

  12. I ran a local 5K with my 8 year-old son this weekend and I was so proud of him - it was his first and he ran the whole thing, only stopping at the water station! We also have a few 5k routes mapped near our home for us to run, which I will be doing tomorrow for National Running Day. :) My boy is excited for the Packers 5K this summer and the Electric Run!

  13. Perfect! I just walked a 5k this morning (in 53 minutes.... yes, I wear my Garmin on walks while I'm unable to run!), bringing me up to almost 18 miles of walking post-surgery.
    Congrats on 5K followers!!! You deserve it!

  14. I ran double that on Sunday! A 10k -- but I took a little break at the 5k mark.

    It's already super hot here in Tucson, so I had to run at 10pm! Still 97 degrees at that point. Just crazy if you ask me!

    BUT, I rocked out a new pair of trainers and had a great time :)

  15. did my five this morning. one of my favourite routes, especially before the world is up.

  16. Ran Rock n Roll half on Sunday, runs start back up tomorrow with 3 mile speed work

  17. I ran 3.56 today. It was tough. I guess I was still tired from from weekend and half marathon on Sunday.

  18. Did a little bit more than a 5K. Did 4 miles. It was a recovery run from the Fontana Days Half Marathon over the weekend though, so it was kind of slow. Took 55 min. Trying to shake out all that lactic acid!

  19. Ran 5K yesterday after work then did abs and arms (a June challenge), tomorrow is National Running Day and I am looking at 4 miles! Congrats on 5K and here's to many more! Thank you for being an inspiration and motivation to us all!

  20. Just finished a 5k in between downpours, lol! At least it cooled me off!

  21. I ran two 5k's this week! Congrats on making it to almost 5000 "likes"

  22. Just started getting back into running using the c25k plan. I've lost 43lbs and am so excited to be back running again! My run/walks usually only take me about 2.5 miles at this time in the program but today when I got home from my run the dog was sitting on the deck with a sad look like she wanted to go so I grabbed the leash and added on another mile just for her! In 3 more weeks it will no longer be run/walk it will be a full 5k run! WooHoo!!! Thanx for an awesome giveaway! You rock!

  23. Ugh....I pounded out a 5k today (actually 3.18) and it wasn't pretty. I finally finished in 33:21 (10:30 avg). My slowest 5k in a long time. I blame it on my almost 12 minute first mile because I got lost trying to get to a trail near my hotel in Ft Worth--and wound up having to go up and down some stairs that had an awkward rise--so I walked them so I wouldn't trip and fall. I mean--my second mile was a 10:04 and my third mile was 9:37--so obviously that 5k didn't demonstrate my real running--but a run is a run--and because you challenged me to knock out a 5k by the time you reach 5k followers--I knew I had to knock 'em out. (I also blame it on the 94 degree texas weather too)

    Congrats on getting 5k followers!!

  24. Ran the Run for the Soul 5k in Whitewater, WI on Sunday. Not a PR, but a record for me for the course.

  25. Done my friend! 3.1 through my neighborhood running intervals!


  26. Congrats on reaching the 5K mark! So exciting and I agree, a perfect reason for a giveaway! :0)

  27. Congratulations! I ran a 5k today on the treadmill since it was rainy and way too cool for a rain run. Still nice, though, and followed up by an almost 10k bike ride with my 2 youngest sons after the rain quit!

    Question: do you run every day, or are you still following the RLRF plan?

  28. I ran my 5k last night. I recently began training for a half marathon and I'm using Jeff Galloway's program. I'm currently on week six of his program and so far so good. Thanks for your motivating page...you're amazing.

  29. I did a 5k on Sunday, does that count? =) I'll be running more this week, obvs, and hey, today is National Running Day! =)

  30. I did my 3 miles for national running day, then walked 0.2 home.

  31. My big success this week has been getting in my ONE run... should be more, but not this week. But it was 4 miles, so there's my 5K! Thanks for continually posting encouragement - sometimes it's those snippets that remind me why I consider this important.

  32. 4 cool miles this morning with my running buddy! Love getting a run in first thing in the morning!

  33. Very hot and humid 5K yesterday...wanted to quit multiple times but powered through, my total time was 27.34....not my best but certainly not my worst. And at the end of the day, it's still 3.1 miles no matter how fast or slow you go!

  34. I ran my 5K on Monday because it's my taper week before my very first half marathon! :) I ran 2 miles yesterday and I have 2 miles today before I rest for two more days! You rock, lady! Keep up the awesome work! You're one of my inspirations!

  35. I ran 3.39 miles yesterday. I did it on a treadmill. They have "courses" that you can run and that is a "Niagara Falls" course that I like to run because it gives me the mileage that I was getting on my "runch" anyways.


  36. 5k distances are my favorite for speed training! I did mine today at 31 minutes, my fastest so far! :)

  37. Had to get it done on my treadmill today, but done! 28 minutes!

  38. Happy National Running Day!!!!!! To celebrate, I ran my 5k this morning. Due to rain I did my 5k on the treadmill but it still was fun!!!!!

  39. Ran my 5k today as part of a 4 miler. Wonderful run in raid that started half way through.

  40. I did not want to run today, but I forced myself out for National Running Day. I ended up running a negative split 5K without realizing it. Just goes to show you never regret a run!

  41. I ran 3.23 miles today for your 5000 likes! I posted about it too on my blog! :)

  42. I did my 5k this morning while pushing my kids!!

  43. My 5k today put me at the 400 mile mark for the year! Happy National Running Day to ME!!

  44. I ran 4 miles today. Felt like gold! Happy 5000 to you!

  45. Did 2 5ks....in the form of a six mile run, mile WU, 4 miles of hills, mile cooldown (unfortunately on the TM since kiddos are home) but they were good miles and a run is a run, right!

  46. I just got to where I can jog 2.3 miles then I finish the remainder of my 3.4 miles by walking and running.

  47. I did 5k tonight with Sole Sisters (yes, I joined). I walked up that hill, but hopefully that still counts.These prizes would be great for a new runner (like me). Thanks for the contest and motivation!

    1. In case that 5k didn't count, I did 5k today at "Pair Up for Health".

  48. As my first recovery run after the San Diego Rock n' Roll Half Marathon, I ran a makeshift 5K in LaHabra. On Monday after the Half, my husband and I took the train up to Fullerton to visit my mother-in-law. We're from Columbus, Ohio and I didn't know the neighborhood so I did four loops around her mobile home park all the while admiring the geraniums and jacaranda trees in bloom. Three laps made my run 3.17 miles. Perfect!

  49. I've done my 5k this week as training for my 5k race this weekend :) This will be my 3rd race ever and the racing bug has struck!!

  50. 5k with the SS last night in the cemetery :)

  51. I ran a 5K on Tuesday - hot and stuffy in the gym, but I made it through! Looking forward to my long runs this weekend! :)

  52. Congrats on 5K fans! I ran five miles of hills on Tuesday night! I ran a mile with my favorite three-year-old on Wednesday night, and I have four miles planned for tonight. So I guess I've done more than a 5K! Thanks again for all you do to motivate others, Jess!

  53. I ran mine yesterday! I completed 2 goals - 1 was getting my mile under 10 minutes. The first mile I did, I completed that! Then I also ran up an entire steep hill at the end instead of walking like I normally do! WAHOO!

  54. Ran a 5K (ok, and then some!) yesterday!!! I took a pic, beautiful sunrise running with my son, but I don't think I can post it in a reply here. It's on my blog post from yesterday if you want to see. Congrats on almost getting to 5000, you really are an inspiration to everyone! I'm off to share your post on FB as well.

  55. I did my 5k yesterday for National Running Day. It was a nice, cool evening and I enjoyed the run. I've been struggling with my running motivation lately, probably due to lack of upcoming races, and I appreciate this contest to help push me out the door.

  56. Ran 5 miles with my pup yesterday morning! Have to do it early before the Houston heat sets in.

  57. Ran 5 miles with my pup yesterday morning! Have to do it early before the Houston heat sets in.

  58. I did 3.55 miles on Monday 6/3, and FINALLY managed to get my 5K time under 13 Minute miles! I've been stuck in a rut at 14 minute averages. I'm training for my first half marathon in October, and trying to average 13:00 miles...so I was (and still am) super excited about this run!

  59. just finished a 5k this morning. now i am off to watch my son's program at school. runwithjess rocks :)

  60. I ran a bit over 5k last night at Sole Sisters with the lovely July Doty and my friend MarySue. We had to join the Building Steam runners and do a couple of loops in lower Glen Oak Park, but the weather was so beautiful that it was TOTALLY worth it.

  61. I ran 5K through Springdale Cemetery with the Sole Sisters and Jess!

  62. I ran 3.3 miles today by accident! I went running in a new neighborhood as we're visiting relatives out of town and ended up running further than I intended. It's the furthest I've ever run!

  63. I ran 3.3 miles today by accident! I went running in a new neighborhood as we're visiting relatives out of town and ended up running further than I intended. It's the furthest I've ever run!

  64. I ran 6K (3.75 miles) today. I did that distance once last week with a friend and again today all by myself. So proud right now. I am training for a 10K and I know I can do it!

  65. I did 8 miles today! Getting ready for Steamboat 15k! Woot!

  66. I ran 5 miles on the track yesterday! 6 X 800m repeats along with my warm up and warm down miles. Felt great! Taking it easy today - 1-2 miles and work at the gym, but I'll be out for my long run tomorrow.
    <3 summer running and NUUN hydration!!!

  67. 5K yesterday with a friend! Exploring new running spots in my brand new town! Columbus, GA!

    Happy Weekend!! :)

  68. 5k at the local greenway today. Might have been more, but I encountered a huge black snake that refused to give up even one side of the path, so I turned around.

  69. Ran 5k with my 7 year old! I'm loving running with my kids! And I'm loving this giveaway! My hubby got me a pair of pro compression sleeves for mother's day and I'm in love :)

  70. Ran a 5K this morning in a rain storm and got a PR! Love your blog from Nova Scotia

  71. I have run a couple this week, but last night ran a fundraising 5K to raise money for a local trainer, her husband and her sister who were injured in Boston.

  72. I ran a half this morning. ..thats 10 miles PLUS a 5k...that counts....right? ? I tried to post a pic on your Facebook page...but it didn't work for some reason. :(

  73. Congrats on amassing such a following! I've run quite a bit in the last few days, but I'll tell you specifically about this morning's run. 5.2 miles as part of my triathlon training. We did a mock tri mimicking the exact routes and distances for race day. My first tri is in 2 weeks and I'm nervous and excited. The run went really well at 8:21 pace. It's funny that I seem to run faster after coming off the bike.

  74. I ran 5k yesterday.

  75. Saturday morning 5k to raise money for a local homeless shelter. Not a PR, but a fun race nonetheless!

  76. I raced a 5k on Saturday night with a stomach bug and got a new PR! Unfortunately I puked at the end. LOL

  77. I ran a 5k around my neighborhood last night! First time ever! It was awesome! :)

  78. 5.04 km on June 6th. I had PR's on June 2nd with a 5k split and was happy with that, but then I wound up PR'ing again with this run. Was very happy!

  79. I was suppose to run The Tough Mudder Virgina Beach, but due the Tropical Storm Andrea it was cancelled. :( I did however get in a 5k (and then some). There wasn't any mud or obstacles, but it was a nice run.

  80. I ran a 5k at least every day this past week followed up by a 10 mile run on Sunday. I had to take it easy this past week for my upcoming race on Saturday. :-)

  81. I ran my first post-injury half marathon on Saturday! It was hard, hot and hilly, but I got I it done.

  82. I don;'t know if I posted or not! I ran a 5K on Saturday, a Zombie Run! It was muddy and disgusting and the most fun I have had in awhile!

  83. I did a 5k race yesterday with my youngest daughter. It was hot and neither of us are used to running in the heat, so it made for slower times. Guess we'd better get used to it :)

  84. Yesterday in downtown Ottawa I finally got my run in. Definitely a different view made the run much easier!

  85. Posted my picture to your FB wall :) Congrats on 5k fans!!!

  86. I did 2 5K's yesterday as part of my training - congrats on 5000 fans! I love your blog!

  87. Ran Race for the Cure 5k on Saturday as part of a 14 miler. Weather was decent, turnout was great, I was a tad sluggish.

  88. This weekend I ran/walked my first 5k of the year after recovering from knee problems over the winter. It felt so good to be back!

  89. My Daughter and I walked our 5k yesterday. We went geocaching by the lake, it was a fun way to get our 5k in and the weather was even nice for us. :)

  90. Did 5k this morning wearing my tiara Bondi band. Really didn't want to get out of bed but so glad I did.

  91. After running the 4 Mile West Peoria Jamboree Run last weekend, the 5 K seems so incredibly comfortable. I ran 3.52 miles this morning in Bartonville and it was a wonderful run. Runtastic has it recorded on my FB page!

  92. I did mine on Saturday =) Nice and warm outside, got a PR for 5k so far this training =)

  93. Ran 4 miles this morning, so a bit more than a 5k. Very sweaty!

  94. I ran a 10K on Saturday. A little more than a 5K but I did it!

  95. I just finished my 5k, in hot and humid weather. Thank God for a breeze! Congrats on 5000 likes! You're a rock star!

  96. I ran outside yesterday morning and did my 5k! Thanks for the chance to win-all of my favorite things :)

  97. I ran 2.9 miles yesterday in a Wild Woman Tri then kayaked for .75 and bike12.5. Then I walked around 6 flags until about 6:15 with my family so that had to add a couple miles to my day too!!

  98. I ellipticalled 4+ miles this morning!

  99. Congratulations on reaching 5000!!! I just got back from the gym where I got in my 5k run!

  100. 3.31 for me! Thanks for the motivation!


I appreciate your feedback and comments!