Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Building My Race Outfit **GIVEAWAY**

On Friday, I'm leaving on a seven hour road trip with my run buddy Anna. The destination is Lincoln, Nebraska, where we will be running the Lincoln National Guard Half Marathon. It also represents state #21 in my quest to Race All 50. As race week ticks away, I have gradually began my packing... aka throwing stuff on a pile on my bedroom floor. When traveling to run, the 'race outfit' is most important.

At this point, I know I'm wearing PURPLE. Odds are likely you already know it's my favorite color. (I fondly call it PR Purple!)  This weekend, the color purple has more meaning. My friend Bry is running the Lincoln Half as a member of Project Purple - a charity team running to beat pancreatic cancer. If you feel inclined to help out her fundraising, click here.  This Sunday, I will lace up my purple Asics and run to support her.

In preparation for Sunday's half marathon, I pulled out my purple ProCompression socks. I'm still weather-stalking, so undecided yet on the low trainers or the knee-high marathon socks. Lucky me, I have them both!
ProCompression socks - in PURPLE!
ProCompression socks are both functional - and fashionable!  I have nearly every color!

I wear ProCompression socks for nearly every important run. Whether I'm running long or racing hard, my feet and calves love the added squeeze that compression socks provide. I've been a long-standing fan of this particular brand because of their fit and weight. I have short legs and other brands tend to bunch up behind my knee, which causes extra sweat and chaffing. The ProCompression marathon socks in XS size have proven to be the perfect fit for my size 9 feet and short thick calves. Plus, I like how lightweight these socks feel on my legs.  I'm also a big fan that they are made in the USA. That always makes me happy to support a brand.

Sock of the Month
Low and behold, the purple marathon sock is part of April's Sock of the Month. Each month, ProCompression features a different sock design. Some styles are limited and only available that month (like the Shamrock socks). In April, ProCompression offered their purple and powder blue socks on sale - with a portion of the SOM sales benefitting charities Team In Training (purple) and Train 4 Autism (powder blue).  You can sign up on the ProCompression website to receive monthly e-mails on their SOM special.

As a ProCompression Ambassador, I'm pleased to offer you an every day discount...
Use code BLG14 for 40% Off 
Marathon Socks and Arm Sleeves

Now let's have some giveaway fun! Here's your chance to WIN a pair of ProCompression Marathon Socks or Arm Sleeves (your choice!). Enter before 6:00am on May 4 via the Rafflecopter app below.

In addition to the ProCompression socks/sleeves, I'm adding a second (just for fun) prize - one of my RunHappy bracelets - to the person who comes closest to guessing my finish time in the Lincoln Half Marathon this Sunday.  To give you some guidance in your guessing...
• My slowest half-marathon time was 2:33:46 four years ago.
• My fastest PR time was 1:56:44 two years ago.
• My most recent times are 2:07:40 and 2:09:46 in the past two months


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Congratulations to Kathryn, who came the closest 
in guessing my race time (2:06:27). She was just one second off!


  1. 2 hours; 5 minutes; 10 seconds

  2. My guess is 2:03:42

  3. i won't guess on time since I already have one of your bracelets, but hope you rock it! LOVE me some pro compression- I've yet to try the low ankle ones, but have been milling around adding that to my sock collection

  4. Good luck at the race and have fun! We will miss you at Kenosha this year!

  5. 1:58:58 You And Anna Will Be Rocking Thus Race! Have Fun

  6. I NEED some compression socks. I've been eyeing ProCompression for a while now, just haven't bit the bullet. Forty percent off is good, but FREE is better! And, I guess 2:06:39

  7. Mmmmmm purple--my favorite too! Safe travels and have a great race!

  8. I'm going with 2:06:03. Have a safe trip and a great run!

  9. My guess is 2 hours 10 minutes.

  10. 2:04:23 I believe you are going to speed it up with the cooler temps. Go get them! Purple is my favorite color!

  11. 2:06.00

    & I just ordered my first pair of Pro compression socks - I love them already!

  12. 1:59:11 (because I have faith in you, and that's what I ran 2 weeks ago, so the number is stuck in my head).

  13. These are my favorite contests! 2:06:33

  14. I'm guessing 2:09:37, but wishing that I lose and you PR :)

  15. I love pro-compression socks and could use another!


  16. Good luck, have fun! 2:08:24

  17. My guess is 2:05: 48 - good luck running!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. 2:04:20 Should be great running weather in Lincoln this weekend!

  20. Oooh, I have those purple marathon socks, my only pair of ProCompression...I need some variety! My guess for your half in Lincoln is 2:05:36. Have a great race!

  21. I love purple! Hope I win! Hmm.....2:03:45 Good luck this weekend!!!

  22. Thank you for your coupon code! Just ordered an awesome pair of Marathon Socks with argyle :)

  23. 2:02:00. Good Luck!

  24. 2:05:23 GOOD LUCK!!! Run strong!

  25. I'm going with 2:11:17. Good luck!

  26. I think your time will be 2:10:10. Good luck!

  27. That seems like such a loaded question ( ; My best guess is 2:06:17 good luck

  28. I love that you call it PR purple! 2:03:18 Good luck!

  29. It seems like everyone is talking about compression gear these days! I've got to get on the bandwagon! I'm calling 2:03:42.

  30. I love pro compression!

    My guess is 2:03:33

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Hm, my guess for your half mary time for tomorrow is going to be... 2:03:45
    Good luck and most importantly, HAVE FUN!

  33. I have a pro compression addiction! Love them all. But I hate that my calves are pasty white because I have my socks on for every run!

  34. I'm going to guess 2:07:12! Good luck!

  35. I finished my third 13.1 just yesterday and have been looking for another one to do in the next few months, and having a goal to do one and travel at the same time is excellent! I discovered your blog and idea from Keeping up with Kelsey.

    Cheers from your newest follower,


I appreciate your feedback and comments!