Over the past few years however, I've grown disconnected with the show. I've always viewed the weight-loss methods as extreme (but I've come to expect that from anything out of Hollywood). The producers are always pushing the bar in the never-ending ratings chase - always reaching for the shock factor. Each season, the contestants are bigger with sadder stories. While extremely heart-wrenching, I don't relate with them as much anymore (and sometimes it feels like a soap-opera). The trainers have a weird vibe going on between them. I liked the addition of Dolvett, but it's quite obvious that Bob and Jill are not fans. I've always hated the voting-off of contestants and the game play that surrounded the show, but ultimately, The Biggest Loser IS a weight loss competition... a game. That's how it was setup from the very beginning. Is losing 10+lbs each week ever considered healthy or successful? On the ranch, yes. In real life, never.
My jaw dropped when Rachel walked out at the finale on Tuesday night, but I wasn't necessarily shocked. She did what was necessary to WIN the title and the money. Does she look frail and uber-thin? Yes, but I have no doubt that she'll pad some pounds back on. (They all do...) I actually felt sad for her. Weight loss is a big emotional journey, and I can't imagine how she's feeling right now. Our world is really judgmental. Everyone has an opinion and not afraid to express it, even if its hurtful. I hope for her sake that Rachel unplugs and focuses on her new direction. I pray she finds a healthy weight that she can maintain an active happy life.
The last few BL finales, I walk away thinking, "I'm not watching next season." It took me awhile to get into this past one, but eventually I got sucked in - especially with the Olympic and triathlon episodes. I don't know the direction of BL in the future, but I'm pretty sure its heydays are gone.
I see ABC's Extreme Weight Loss with Chris Powell gaining popularity - at least in my heart. The transformations are a year-long and trainers Chris and his wife Heidi seem like neat people, not big celebrities. There's less money power and marketing behind it, so the seasons are more spread out and aired during off times (summertime versus winter). Extreme Weight Loss Season 4 is set to air in early summer, and they're currently casting Season 5. My hope is that the increase of ratings and expectations don't ruin the show like it did with Biggest Loser.
People either love or hate these weight loss shows. What's your take?
Do producers have an ethical responsibility to portray certain health standards?
Me... I like the weight loss shows for what they are - motivation, inspiration. I'm certainly smart enough not to take everything that is said or happens as reality, but I do worry about those that may. I don't mean to sound skeptical, but I've given up on Hollywood having any kind of standards... with any kind of programming. The shows on TV get worse and worse. There is less and less that we can watch as a family with the kids. Even Disney channel disappoints me these days...
I was shocked at how thin Rachel was but $250,000 was on the line so I would probably do what it took to win the $$ too. I hope she gains some back and becomes the athlete she once was. I also hope that she tunes out the social media and focuses on herself and her health:)
ReplyDeleteI watch for the inspiration too and zone out at the part where they are disappointed that they only lost 6 lbs that week. Even when they say they won't let themselves be disappointed, they still seem to be. At the finale, I was most impressed when Tumi described becoming a runner and having a runner entourage, because I knew she'd be fit for the rest of her life. The others might have found a fit group to belong to, and I hope they have. Watching all season long, Rachel struck me as a smart, competitive cookie. But at the finale, I couldn't tell if she knew that she had gone too far for weightloss and if she had done it for life or money. Time will tell and I hope it tells a story of health and happiness for her. I will keep on watching because there are a lot more contestants, like me, that still have a ways to go.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the Biggest Loser also. I was completely shocked at how sickly Rachel looked. I know they all gain about 20 lbs back after the finale due to starving and not drinking water the few days before, but what makes me upset is the message TBL is sending to everyone. The thinner the better! I'm sure the trainers and I know some of the past contestants agree with this since I follow some of them on twitter.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't get into this last season. I'm not sure if it was the hour-long episodes as opposed to 2-hour episodes, or what. I hope the show takes a turn next season, because I think a lot of people are disappointed from the finale. I do like EMWLE, but it is also extreme. These shows can be really motivational if they stick to integrity, but it IS Hollywood.
I loved the first season because it was so raw and new and I felt like everyone were winners. The past few seasons have been very soap opera, as you said, and I hate the stupid product placement ads within the show. Clearly, people are doing whatever they need to win the money. I would have too. But if their purpose is to take regular people who are obese and make them fit and healthy, then they are failing.
ReplyDeleteI've always disliked how BL gets the weight off SO fast... doesn't seem right. They do gain it back... but if you follow Chris's clients, they keep it off. Why? Its real life - at home, slow & steady - life changing things happening.
ReplyDeleteI was SHOCKED at Rachel. See bigger issues standing there then before she made it to the ranch. :(
I haven't watched the Biggest Loser in ages... probably after season 2 or 3 when the product placement became so over-the-top (chew pie-flavored gum as a snack? really?), but I have been following this story mainly because it is hard to miss. I feel sad for this woman and I hope she is somehow able to get back to a "normal" life and maybe stay off the internet for a few weeks! As for the shows in general, I agree that they motivate and inspire, but at this point they're so far from reality that I'm not sure they're motivating people to do the right things anymore.
ReplyDeleteThe product placement in the show is annoying. They are not fooling anyone!
DeleteI have to say that I've never really sat and watched BL. When I saw the hype for the finale, I thought I'd tune in. My immediate thought when Rachel came out was she took it to the extreme and to me, did not look healthy at all.
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I both enjoy watching Extreme Weightloss with Chris Powell and his wife, for the reasons you stated - it is a year long process for the participants and while Chris is with them for a short time, the rest of the time is all on the participant. I think Chris' approach is much more real life because someone like myself who works full-time, I cannot spend 6 hours at the gym but I can do two hours.
Okay, I'm glad I'm not the only one who sensed a weird vibe between Dolvett and Bob and Jillian. Bob and Jillian always worked together and left Dolvett out....it was like high or something. It irritated me, but maybe that's because I loved his addition to the show!
ReplyDeleteI do think Rachel looked extremely thin. I hope if she gains a few pounds back she sees it as a healthy thing.
*i meant it was like high school;)
DeleteRachel needed help. She is a strong, driven person and she went after her goal to lose weight. She just fufnt know when to stop. Now that she has won I'm sure she will put on done weight and maybe she can be speak out about another huge problem (besides obesity) in our country. Girls and woman starving themselves to be thin to fit into some type of Hollywood mold.
ReplyDeleteSorry- so many typos. This is why I can never comment from my phone!!
ReplyDeleteA high school friend of mine was the runner up on the Biggest Loser many years ago. While he did fabulous for the finale, he has struggled to maintain that. What he did rekindle was his love of competition (former athlete) and competed in many tris and even the Boston Marathon. I've always said that BL failed to address the...now what. Now that they've lost all this weight what to do when life starts again and the cameras are off. I LOVE Extreme Weight loss show and Chris Powell!!! I feel like he addresses in the year what to do when you fall off the fitness train and how to fit it into your life! I am interested to see if there are any "where are they now" from that show!
ReplyDeleteI live in the UK and I've never really gotten into the BL show, it all seemed so OTT and excessive, like they expect these overweight people to trade in one vice (food) for another - extreme weight loss that would be considered dangerous in any other context.
ReplyDeleteI did watch Chris Powells Extreme weight loss though and found it quite refreshing until I read articles and interviews from the people that had taken part. Apparently they were put under extreme pressure to meet those goals to the point of eating dangerously a few days before weigh in, they were given all the tricks of the trade to lose weight fast and it wasn't in a healthy way either. They were also put under presssure to replace some meals with liquid or tablet meals :( It goes without saying that weight loss to the extent of these programmes is undoubtedly stressful and aimed solely at viewing figures, I think the victims - sorry contestants - health is not number one priority. I mean, working out to the point of throwing up? Can that ever be helpful or healthy? It would be bad enough in a slim person but for people actually carrying so much extra weight? I understand the need to push but still...................
I was shocked by how she looked, but not shocked by the fact that the show created it. The whole point is to lose the most weight, and she did that; I can't believe she's being chastised about it. And I too think she'll pad a little back on and (hopefully) end up in a healthy place. I'll probably keep watching the show too. And I love watching Extreme Weight Loss; I hope they keep that show up.
ReplyDeleteI really liked Dolvett, but I feel the same about this show as I do about every reality show. The person who wins is the person with the saddest story and the biggest triumph over their situation. This show has jumped the shark. Losing 32 pounds in a week will not inspire anyone. It will perplex people and make them think that if someone lost 32 pounds in a week, why did I only lose 1? I haven't watched in a while because it's so heavily edited and filled with fluff. And the form they use on the rowers makes me cringe.
ReplyDeleteI feel that you can't win with society, they will always be critical. I only watched half of this season but she was my favorite from the beginning. I hope she finds a healthy balance and that the loss was so drastic only so she could win. Not that, that is a good thing. I sincerely hope the best for her and I hope society finds something else to focus on soon. It can't be easy for her.
ReplyDeleteI haven't watched the Biggest Loser in a long time; I, too, am turned off at the voting people off when they really do need so much help. But when I can, I watch Extreme Weight Loss. I had the opportunity to meet Chris and Heidi Powell at a hike at A Mountain at ASU (where we all went) a few summers ago, and it was great. They appear to be real, genuine people who care about their clients on and off television. I think the thing for the rest of us to change our lives is to take the steps that you - and I - did: those small steps like taking a walk or saying "no thanks" to nightly ice cream. My hope is that all these shows serve as some sort of inspiration to get us off the couch and into better health.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more! I used to watch BL and stopped about 2-3 seasons ago. The games and the drama around was just too annoying. Then i accidentally found Extreme Makeover and LOVED it. Love the concept of focusing on one person per episode and also to follow them over 1 year.
ReplyDeleteI loved this post because of your honesty. I have read a lot of posts since Tuesday about the BL. I honestly don't know what my opinion is. I just like how you didn't bash her or judge her.
ReplyDeleteRachel played the game and won. As a competitor, I am proud of her.
ReplyDeleteBut, she looks too thin. I hope she puts about 20 lbs back on and finds a way to feel good and enjoy the quarter million that she won the hard way.
I agree that she did what she had to do to win. I'm personally friends with a former contestant and I'm sure any one of them will tell you that that lifestyle is not sustainable and after the show is over you have to find a balance that works for you. I do hope Rachel takes her experience with Grace and doesn't allow the strong and widely publicized opinions of others to heart and allow it to negatively affect her life. Also, love Chris Powell and love that they can have skin removed!
ReplyDeleteI have not been a devoted follower since season 9 when Michael won. it's not realistic to do what they do in the real world to keep the weight off and live a normal productive life. In addition many of these people now trade their issues with food/scale with new issues with the food/scale and the fact that they were part of the BL or ExtremeWeightLoss. That's a lot of mental tear for someone. I hope she gets the help she needs but yes BL had a responsibility to maintain a point where they stopped her from doing what happened. This show influences a lot of people. I was one of them many moons ago but now it turned from getting healthy to getting the skinniest possible.
ReplyDeleteI felt bad for her too. The public can be incredibly judgmental. She had tough competition, especially from men. It IS easier for the guys to lower their body fat. FACT. She did what she had to do to win. She wouldn't have otherwise. If you check her Facebook page for recent photos, she has put a few pounds back on, and I'm sure she'll put on more, since working out 6 hours a day isn't sustainable in real life.
ReplyDeleteweight loss methods which can be the same results from other methods suggested from professional.