Monday, June 6, 2011

The Journey Begins!

Back on May 1, I put the wheels in motion by registering for my first ever marathon... Quad Cities Marathon on September 25.  It seemed like a long ways off, until you start building a 16 week training plan.  I knew I had the month of May to completely slack rest up from my spring training.  It was an easy month (only 78 miles), and now I'm ready to refocus for the next 110 days...

Today is the official start date to my 16 week marathon training.  I've decided to once again follow the Run Less, Run Faster method.  See my detailed plan here.   My goal is simply to run the entire 26.2 miles in September.  To Finish.  I'm trying not to focus on a time goal, but as as runner, that's nearly impossible.  A finish time somewhere around 4:22-4:30 is bouncing around in my head that I feel pretty confident about (10:00-10:18 pace range).  I really want the marathon (and the journey) to be an experience that I remember fondly.  I want to just run... because I like it.  Take in the view.  Soak up the sun.  Oh-yeah, and shed another 20 lbs in the process.

"Instead of focusing on all the things I can't control, 
I am enjoying the moments in front of me. 
The marathon is going to be an amazing journey
and I get the chance to write the ending. " 
- Shalane Flanagan 

So today I'm excited to get started!  Day 1 was pretty simple - Cross Train.  I signed up for a Triple Threat class (Spin, Strength & Stretch) at the gym on Mon/Wed mornings to fulfill my cross training of the RLRF plan.  I'm more inclined to get the XT done if I make a paid commitment.  Today I got in a great workout, but am excited to RUN intervals tomorrow!!  (Wait, did I just say I'm excited to do intervals?!)  

The poison ivy I broke out with last week is still an issue, but much better.  The hot summer sun seems to "burn" the rash on my arms, so I'm trying to stay indoors as much as possible.  Hubby is traveling for work this week, so looks like it will be a treadmill week for me.

"Accept the challenges, so that you
may feel the exhilaration of victory. " 
- General George S. Patton


  1. This will be fun to watch RLRF in action for a marathon this time. I'm jumping back on the program today too, but for 13 weeks for another half.
    Woo hoo!

  2. Ooooh good luck as you begin your training Jess!!! I'm excited for you!!!

    Just trying...what program are you using for your half???

  3. You are going to kick this marathon's butt, I just know it!

    I love your attitude about it - I am totally feeling the same way. I just want to run strong and finish while having fun. (I have a secret time goal as well though!)

    Oh poison ivy is the worst - I got it all the time when I was a kid. I hope it gets better very quickly!

  4. Just bought that run less, run faster book!

    Good luck with the weight loss. I didn't lose even one pound during marathon training b/c I ate like a cow. haha

    Happy Marathon training! :)

  5. AWESOME!!! good luck and can't wait to hear more about training!!1 I might need to buy that book? Do you think it's a good purchase, since I signed up for my very FIRST half-marathon taking place in January? Curious to hear what you think...and kick some marathon-training booty!!!

  6. Happy Marathon Training! I will look forward to reading about it as you prepare.

  7. I can't believe your training starts already!! YAY JESS!! please feel free to compare notes with me too. I know you used RLRF for your half already. You got this girl!!!

  8. WOW, congratulations for starting the journey. Embrace it. My only advice is to write about it within 48 hours of finishing and keep this forever. You can never get your first experience back.... I would love to remember what it was like again (to remember). I have run about 20 marathons (10 official, 5 for training runs to the Ultra). :)

    Run Jess Run!!!

  9. I can't wait to continue reading about your training. Good luck, girl!

  10. Good luck - can't wait to see the journey unfold. YIPPEEEE!

  11. Go get em girl! And that is a really great quote from Shalane. I love that woman, she is some serious motivation for normal runners like us.

  12. Yay! I'm so excited about your marathon training adventures!!

  13. Good luck with your marathon training! I am currently reading the Run Less Run Faster book and I'm learning alot.


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