Thursday, September 15, 2011

One Mother of a Runner

Let me introduce you to a full-fledged Mother Runner... Excuse me, she prefers the title of Sexy Mother Runner.  She has always been one of my biggest cheerleaders, and today, I am hers.  Meet my friend Bekah...

Bekah is the mother of three children and wife to one cool dude.  Together, their family has more energy than the sun!  I initially met Bekah several years ago through a "mommy group," where stay-home moms come together for playdates to get a piece of adult conversation and fun for our toddlers.  I was immediately attracted to her bright smile, boisterous laughter and avid story-telling skills. 

Between the two of us, we had four children in diapers.  Somewhere between "I'm going insane" and "I need to lose baby weight,"  Bekah began to run.  She's had a true love-hate relationship with running... mostly hate.  However, I write about her today because I believe she's finally found LOVE!  

For one, she posted this photo when her new running shoes arrived.  His name is Brooks.  A couple made in heaven, don't you think?

Then after her run with the Sole Sisters last night, she posted on Facebook, "...I felt like I could have kept going forever."  Do you remember the first time you got that feeling?  I sure do, and it's WONDERFUL to feel your body so alive!  In fact, it still brings happy tears to my eyes today.  My heart jumps with joy to see a dear friend embrace the power of running.

This past spring, Bekah ran her first 5K...

And then a 4 miler in June...
and then another 5K in July...

and NOW... she's getting pysched to run her first 10K this weekend at the Morton Pumpkin Classic.  It has been so rewarding watching her journey in becoming a SEXY MOTHER RUNNER.  So proud to be one of your Sole Sisters!

Please join me in wishing Bekah GOOD LUCK in her first 10K this Saturday.
As always, I'll be at the finish line to cheer you in!!


  1. Running friendships are just so rewarding. That's so awesome of you to do a special post just about her. You ROCK!!!

  2. Good luck Bekah! 10ks are got this!

  3. THANK YOU!!!! You are a true inspiration, Jess!
    Next time, how about just one pic where I have make-up on??? ;)
    Love you, Jess!!!!

  4. Good luck Bekah! I'm so glad that you two have become friends! I'm sure you feed off of one another for energy. :) Mom-power!


  5. how nice to post such an awesome story about your friend.

    good luck, Bekah! Rock that 10k!


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