Friday, September 9, 2011

Spin Winners!

In August, I hosted a virtual Spin® Challenge to readers of all levels... Virgins, Rookies and SpinStars!  Bummer, I didn't have any Virgins take the challenge to give Spinning® their first try.  However, there were 2 ladies that reached SpinStar status... hitting the Spin® bike 6+ times and lived to write about it.  Give their blog a visit and see how Spinning® added to their running fitness!

Introducing the August SpinStars...

Kim's story at (Just) Trying is For Little Girls
Kim is so impressive because she squeezes in her cross-train at 5:15 in the morning!  That's pretty early to be at the gym.  During the August challenge, Kim realized she burns 386 calories during a 45 minute class.  Oh-yeah, Kim's a SpinStar baby!!

Michelle's story at Average Girl doing Average Things
Michelle made it happen even though there wasn't an actual class that fell into her schedule.  She went above and beyond SpinStar and hit the Spin® bike 8 times in August.  Congrats Michelle!

Congratulations Kim & Michelle!
You've earned yourself an "Addicted to Spinning" headband
from our awesome friends at BondiBand
Email me your address so I can mail out your prize!

If you don't BondiBand yet... check out my review here 
or better yet, go check out their website here.


Honorable Mention also goes out to...
Courtney's story at Run, Courtney, Run
Courtney set her goal to be a SpinStar, but got a little distracted once school started.  (I'm totally with you here Courtney - Entire days seemed to disappear when school started!)  However, she did complete 3 Spin® classes last month! Well done!

Jen's story at Runner... Maybe
Another morning person, Jen made a couple 5:30am classes at her gym!  Hitting a total of 4 classes in August, Jen was so close to reaching SpinStar status!  After being initially intimidated by the Spin® bike (like so many are!), Jen is now a true believer of benefits of Spinning®!


  1. Woo hoo! Sending you my address straight away. Thanks for hosting, I needed the push to workout during my sucktastic running month.

  2. congrats ladies! Thanks for the honorable mention. Since this challenge has ended I have attended 4 class...took me the month of August to do 4, and now only 12 days in to September and I have reached that goal with plans to attend more.

  3. woot! Thanks so much for the headband! I'm psyched that all my solo spinning paid off in another way! :)


I appreciate your feedback and comments!