Thursday, March 3, 2011

Smooth Tempo

The fact that my two darling children were fighting like monsters this morning turned out to be a really, really good thing.  It got me motivated FAST this morning to get to the gym.  (Hello, free childcare for two hours?!?!)  I was thankful for my time alone with the ipod and anxious to run this week's tempo.   And for the record, I nailed it!

2 mile warmup
2 mile TEMPO @ 9:20 pace
1 mile easy @ 10:00 pace
2 mile TEMPO @ 9:20 pace
1 mile cool down
TOTAL: 8 miles in 79 minutes
I'm happy with this run because my training plan calls for 9:33 as my mid-tempo pace, but I successfully held onto the 9:20 pace during both tempos (6.4mph on the mill).  In fact, I got the pace down to 9:00 towards the end. When I run on fresh legs, as they were today, I believe I really am getting faster on the Run Less, Run Faster plan.

Chocolate Banana Smoothie
My afternoon snacks are usually pretty lame... an apple, banana, etc.  But today I'm in high spirits after my run, so I made a new smoothie to power through until dinner.  I present the Chocolate Banana Smoothie! The taste reminded me of DQ's Mocha MooLattes that are so yummy but pack a whopping 500 calories each!   This recipe makes 16 oz, which was so filling I could hardly finish it.

Chocolate Banana Smoothie
1 medium 7" banana (frozen is best)
1/2 c. skim milk
1/2 c. ice cubes
1/2 c. cold coffee, home-brewed
1 T. Hershey's Choc Syrup
1 packet of Sweet 'n Low
Throw it all in a blender until smooth. 
Pour and enjoy!
(201 calories, 47g carbs, 5g protein)

Bananas are by far the most popular recovery food for runners.  They're the perfect grab 'n go snack.  Bananas are easy to digest, packed with energy producing carbs and a great source of potassium, which helps prevent muscle cramps.  Add in the high quality, muscle building protein from milk and you'll recover from a hard run more effectively.  Find more great smoothie ideas HERE.

What is your favorite recovery food/drink?!
Is there anything better than chocolate milk?

Don't forget to enter my Pink Ribbon Sports Bottle Giveaway!


  1. Nice job nailing your workout today! So proud of your success!

    Oh, and, just want you to know I'm feeling super lucky about winning your giveaway, just sayin'.

  2. Great run. Keep it up. After my runs I like water and a banana or I will have a GU.

  3. I like to make a quick recovery smoothie that is similar to yours! Chocolate almond or soy milk, banana, peanut flour (protein!) and sometimes an instant coffee packet. Yum!

  4. OHMGosh! I am all over that smoothie recipe on Sunday after my long run! Nice job on your tempo & thanks for posting the recipe!!

  5. Wait...but I feel like it's missing some Bailey's?

  6. Great run!!! That smoothie sounds delish :) I love chocolate milk after a yummy and refreshing!!


I appreciate your feedback and comments!