• 5-7am: before the kids get up. I never make this one unless it's summer and I can sneak outside before hubby leaves for work.
• 9-11am: between preschool dropoffs/pickups. This is my usual gym run with the Little Girl.
• 11:30-1:30pm: after preschool, before naps. This is a tough one as it requires pre-made lunches to be eaten in the car during the preschool-to-gym commute.
• 2-4pm: naptime a.k.a. mommy free time. I usually hate to burn this by exercising, when I could be

Today's intervals can be summed up in three words...
Grueling. Rewarding. Done!
2 mile warmup @ 10:20 pace / 5.8mph
6 x 800 intervals @ 8:30 pace / 7.1mph
RI varied, but lasted no more than 400m.
1.5 mile cooldown @ 10:40 pace
TOTAL: 7.5 miles in 73 minutes
What pushed me through the intervals was not that I wanted to run faster (alas the Run Less, Run Faster
plan), but rather that I wanted to run lighter. I've had a really hard time trimming weight in past training programs, but the FIRST program with these darn intervals and tempos are very challenging to my body. And I've been starting to see the pounds drop finally.
During today's run, I tried out a couple new things... BondiBand headband (giveaway coming soon!), a new pair of Asics Gel-3020 running shoes, and my new running socks from Recovery Sock. All a success and made for a great run. I can't wait to share reviews with you... coming soon!
Do you have "windows" for your runs? What happens if you miss it?
I've actually heard of runners calling intervals "fun"... What's your take on them?
Don't forget to enter my KIDS YOGA GIVEAWAY!
I did intervals yesterday, granted, nothing like yours (1 mile warm up, 2x400 at 6.6mph, 1x800 at 6.6 mph and finished with 1.5 miles at 6.2), and I enjoyed it. I like the variety when stuck on a treadmill. However, they are nothing like yours. I must admit I am sore today, suprisingly in my hips, where I never am.
ReplyDeleteI totally have windows for my runs:
ReplyDelete4:30AM 0 usually miss, like you unless I can sneak outside early in the morning light....or I have a really good DVD to watch
4:15-5PM - after work but before hubs and Evie get home...however this will be changing.
8PMish after I put the little one to bed.
I have the early morning window or evening window. Lately I've missed both. I prefer the early morning because it's done and over, but I feel tired and sluggish. I need to figure out a better routine.
ReplyDeleteI hate intervals!! And mine are way less than yours. Usually only 20 minutes worth or so. Never that kind of mileage. You're awesome!
I have 7X800s scheduled this week. I can't wait to getting them DONE!
ReplyDeleteNice, 6x800s! I'm attempting those next week, you did super.
ReplyDeleteI'm liking the intervals at the track on Tuesdays. Especially since I was hurt and missed a week, I have a new sense of gratitude for being able to get out there and do them.
I LOVE treadmill intervals! Sick, I know. They are tough, but I always feel so great after finishing. When they go well, it's a great confidence booster too!
ReplyDeleteNice workout, lady!! :D
ReplyDeleteI have generally 2 windows--first thing in the morning (between 7am and 9am, depending on the day), and mid-afternoon (2:30pm-5pm). Generally, if I miss the morning slot, I make the afternoon slot happen.
I hated intervals when I ran in high school, but now that I'm older I don't mind them as much. Maturity, I guess? Mine are usually more of a time interval instead of distance, so I get the added fun of trying to go longer during the interval, thus making it an interesting challenge.